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  • Donald Trump Wants America to Reign Supreme in Bitcoin Mining

Donald Trump Wants America to Reign Supreme in Bitcoin Mining

Donald Trump's Strategic Initiative to Propel U.S. Bitcoin Mining to Global Leadership: Industry Responses, Energy Efficiency Advantages, Policy Considerations, and the Evolution of Cryptocurrency Regulatory Frameworks

Donald Trump, former U.S. President and current presidential candidate, has publicly declared his ambition for the United States to become the global leader in Bitcoin mining. Following a significant meeting with industry executives from Riot Platforms, Trump expressed his support for American mining firms, positioning the U.S. at the forefront of the burgeoning digital currency landscape. This move has sparked a variety of reactions across the financial and cryptocurrency sectors.

Trump's Ambition: Red, White, and Bitcoin

On June 12, Trump met with Jason Les, CEO of Riot Platforms, and Brian Morgenstern, the company's head of public policy. Post-meeting, Trump took to his social media platform, Truth Social, to articulate his vision: all future Bitcoin mining should take place within the United States. This statement signals a strategic pivot towards embracing Bitcoin as a national asset, potentially reshaping the digital currency's geopolitical landscape.

Industry Leaders Weigh In

Greg Beard, CEO of Stronghold Digital Mining and a former head of energy at Apollo, supports Trump’s stance. Beard emphasizes the critical role the U.S. can play in the global Bitcoin mining industry, viewing it as a hedge against the depreciating value of sovereign-backed currencies.

“The U.S. is and should be a leader in supporting and securing Bitcoin as an alternative to the ever-deflating values of sovereign-backed currencies,” Beard said.

He asserts that American leadership in Bitcoin mining is essential not only for economic stability but also for technological innovation. Beard also calls for bipartisan support, hoping that both current and future administrations will recognize and foster the potential of Bitcoin mining.

“As Bitcoin miners, we’re a new and maturing industry. We believe in what we’re doing and we think Bitcoin is the right asset for American society and far beyond it. We hope to have the support of any administration.”


Beard's hope might come to fruition. While the Biden administration has been less outspoken about its stance, there are indications that it is quietly preparing to enable cryptocurrency donations in the near future.

The Bitcoin Community’s Response

Trump's proclamation has been met with enthusiasm from significant figures within the Bitcoin community. Samson Mow, CEO of Jan3, is particularly optimistic, suggesting that Trump’s endorsement could have far-reaching implications. Mow believes that governments and financial institutions worldwide will take notice, potentially accelerating the adoption and integration of Bitcoin into mainstream financial systems.

Another user on X remarked, "If you don't believe Donald Trump will use the Bitcoin price as the daily indicator of his second-term success, then you don't know Donald Trump at all."

Conversely, some voices within the community express concern. Laura Shin, host of the Unchained Podcast, questions the implications of centralizing Bitcoin mining in the U.S. She argues that this approach could introduce jurisdictional risks and compromise Bitcoin’s foundational principle of decentralization.

Shin’s critique underscores a broader debate about the balance between national control and global distribution in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Erik Voorhees' Perspective

Erik Voorhees, founder of Shapeshift, offers a nuanced take on Trump’s comments. While he dismisses Trump's understanding of Bitcoin and economic principles as superficial, he acknowledges the potential benefits of a more Bitcoin-friendly regulatory environment in the U.S. Voorhees suggests that even ill-informed support from influential figures could create a more welcoming atmosphere for Bitcoin, ultimately benefiting the industry.

Critics of Bitcoin Mining

Not everyone is on board with Trump’s vision. Investment firm Kerrisdale Capital has been vocal in its criticism of the Bitcoin mining industry. In a recent report, Kerrisdale denounced Bitcoin mining as one of the worst business models for public companies, citing significant sustainability and energy consumption concerns.

Sahm Adrangi, Kerrisdale’s chief investment officer, argues that the U.S. should focus on other cryptocurrencies that are less energy-intensive and more environmentally friendly.

“I believe that the U.S. does not need to support Bitcoin. There’s plenty of other cryptocurrencies out there that can like take its place that don’t use up all this energy,”


He added, "I think the entire industry should be expelled from the United States."

Kerrisdale Capital is shorting the stock of Riot Platforms, one of the largest mining firms in the United States. As part of its aggressive campaign against Riot, Adrangi has reached out to state legislators, advising against granting the industry preferential treatment, such as tax breaks.

Meanwhile, while Adrangi focused on influencing state legislators, Riot set its sights on higher goals.

Energy Efficiency and Grid Stability

Proponents of Bitcoin mining, like Greg Beard, counter these criticisms by highlighting the industry's potential to enhance energy efficiency and grid stability.

Greg Beard argues that lawmakers at all levels are beginning to recognize the industry's potential.

"Bitcoin mining advances energy efficiency, and people and policymakers are starting to get it" he said. "Bitcoin miners have the utility of intermittent demand, allowing them to adjust their energy usage and dispatch power to the grid in near real-time."

Addressing Trump's assertion on energy dominance, Beard elaborated on how Bitcoin mining could help stabilize the grid:

"Currently, we're starting to feel the destabilizing effects of rapidly adding intermittent and limited-duration sources like solar and wind. Bitcoin mining offers a variable load solution to balance the grid and support the transition to renewable energy."

The Geopolitical Implications

Trump’s endorsement of domestic Bitcoin mining aligns with broader geopolitical strategies aimed at technological dominance. By advocating for U.S.-based Bitcoin mining, Trump is positioning the country to capitalize on the economic and strategic advantages of controlling a significant portion of the Bitcoin network. This approach not only aims to secure the U.S.’s financial interests but also to establish a technological edge in the rapidly evolving digital currency sector.

Bottom Line: A New Era for Bitcoin Mining?

Donald Trump’s push for the U.S. to lead the Bitcoin mining industry has ignited a multifaceted debate. Supporters see it as a bold move towards economic innovation and energy efficiency, while critics warn of centralization risks and sustainability challenges. As the discourse unfolds, the implications of this initiative will likely influence policy decisions, industry practices, and the global cryptocurrency landscape. Whether Trump’s vision will materialize remains to be seen, but it undeniably marks a significant moment in the ongoing evolution of Bitcoin and its role in the global economy.