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  • Democratic Rep. Wiley Nickel Ridicules Trump's Bitcoin Remarks, Urges DNC to Back Crypto: Bitcoin 2024

Democratic Rep. Wiley Nickel Ridicules Trump's Bitcoin Remarks, Urges DNC to Back Crypto: Bitcoin 2024

Wiley Nickel Advocates for Democratic National Committee to Embrace Pro-Crypto Policies, Criticizes Trump’s Stance at Bitcoin 2024 Conference, and Calls for Bipartisan Cooperation on Digital Asset Legislation

At the Bitcoin 2024 conference, North Carolina’s Democratic Representative Wiley Nickel made headlines by calling for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to embrace pro-digital asset policies.

During his onstage interview, Nickel's remarks included sharp critiques of former President Donald Trump's past comments on Bitcoin, drawing mixed reactions from the audience.

Call for Pro-Digital Asset Policies

Wiley Nickel, a moderate Democrat serving his first term as the representative for North Carolina's 13th Congressional district, revealed his proactive steps towards integrating cryptocurrency support into the Democratic platform.

"This is a letter with 28 democrat electeds, including 14 members of the U.S. House of Representatives including Ro [Khanna, D-CA], asking for four things from the DNC and the next democratic nominee for President: [pro-digital asset] language in the party's platform, selecting a Vice Presidential candidate sophisticated in digital asset policy, selecting a pro-innovation SEC chair, and engaging with the industry in a meaningful way," Nickel stated.

His call to action, however, received only light applause, highlighting the divisive nature of the topic.

Bipartisan Approach to Crypto Issues

Nickel spent a significant portion of his time discussing the importance of a bipartisan approach to cryptocurrency regulation. He mentioned ongoing senior-level meetings with key figures, including the Office of the Vice President.

"Vice President Harris understands this issue, her husband is someone I know who gets it, and I think we're going to get to see a reset which will be a big deal in this space," Nickel continued.

He underscored the necessity of bipartisan cooperation to avoid politicizing the issue, which could potentially stall progress in Congress for years.

Mixed Reactions to Trump's Critique

Nickel's address was not without controversy. He took the opportunity to criticize former President Donald Trump's previous negative remarks about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

"He's hit all the bad talking points. He's said [cryptocurrencies] facilitate unlawful behaviors including drugs and illegal activities, and in 2021 he called it a scam," Nickel recalled, provoking loud boos from the audience.

Despite the hostile response, Nickel remained firm in his critique. "Donald Trump was President for four years, he did nothing on this issue, and right now I can tell you he's totally full of s—t," Nickel asserted, prompting a mix of reactions from the audience.

Moderator's Perspective

Jason Maier, the moderator and author of A Progressive's Case for Bitcoin, played a crucial role in balancing the discussion. Following Nickel's harsh words, Maier interjected with a more measured response.

"Donald Trump like every other politician is allowed to change his mind on this, and you all need to remember that that's exactly what's happening," Maier remarked, which seemed to resonate more positively with the audience, showcasing the nuanced perspectives within the pro-crypto community.

Letter to Party Leaders

Nickel's advocacy did not stop at his conference appearance. He, along with 28 other Democratic officials, had already taken steps to formalize their position.

In a letter to party leaders, they outlined specific requests aimed at integrating digital asset policies into the Democratic platform.

This letter, co-signed by prominent figures including 14 House members, highlighted the growing support for cryptocurrency within the party and the strategic importance of embracing this technology.

Strategic Importance of Pro-Crypto Policies

The push for pro-crypto policies comes at a pivotal time for the Democratic Party. As the popularity of digital assets continues to rise, aligning the party’s platform with pro-digital asset language could attract a significant voter base.

Nickel's remarks at the conference aimed to highlight this strategic opportunity. "The future has to be a bipartisan one; if we politicize the issue we will just poison the well for ten years in Congress," Nickel warned, emphasizing the long-term benefits of a collaborative approach.

Engaging with the Crypto Industry

Nickel's advocacy also stressed the importance of meaningful engagement with the cryptocurrency industry.

By proposing the selection of a pro-innovation SEC chair and a Vice Presidential candidate knowledgeable in digital asset policy, Nickel underscored the need for informed and supportive leadership.

This approach, he argued, would foster innovation and ensure that the U.S. remains at the forefront of the digital asset revolution.

Bottom Line …

Wiley Nickel's address at the Bitcoin 2024 conference highlighted a significant shift within the Democratic Party towards embracing cryptocurrency.

By calling for pro-digital asset language in the party platform and criticizing Trump's past comments, Nickel sparked a necessary debate on the future of digital assets in U.S. policy.

His emphasis on bipartisan cooperation and strategic engagement with the crypto industry set a forward-looking agenda that could shape the party's approach to digital assets in the coming years.