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  • AQLA and Kujira: The Future of Carbon Credits & Carbon Trading is On-Chain

AQLA and Kujira: The Future of Carbon Credits & Carbon Trading is On-Chain

Embedding Sustainability in Blockchain for a Cleaner Tomorrow with AQLA on Kujira

In today's environmentally-challenged world, carbon credits have become a crucial tool in the global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Each credit represents a permission slip allowing the emission of a certain amount of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases. The carbon credit system is simple to grasp: entities that cut down on their carbon output can sell their extra allowances to those who are exceeding their emission limits.

Introduction to AQLA

The last 15 years of the founder and CEO of Aqualibre Project's career were devoted to creating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) policies for major international corporations and governments. This gave a spark to the idea of creating a company that would solely adhere to ESG principles and be able to engage with people worldwide by using a non-traditional business model.

7 years ago, the creator was first introduced to Bitcoin. This sparked interest in cryptocurrencies and their diverse new-world use cases. With expertise in both areas, the idea was to apply Web3 and Blockchain technology to the newly created carbon offset initiatives, which exist only to protect the environment and the planet.

The aim of AQLA is to combine digital and environmental currencies to build a highly effective, reliable, and transparent business model that facilitates the necessary shift away from conventional, tightly controlled currencies and opaque carbon markets.

The Aqualibre team has the knowledge and expertise needed to create long-lasting, profitable companies. Over the past 2 years, the staff and network of advisors have expanded dramatically, and they are now acknowledged as leaders in the carbon market industry.

AQLA Initiatives

AQLA stands as a comprehensive project that spans across all facets of ecology, and that encompasses the protection of marine ecosystems. To tackle this endeavour, AQLA is introducing the following initiatives:

  • Carbon Offset: AQLA offers individuals the opportunity to purchase carbon offset credits, a portion of which will be channelled into funding programs dedicated to marine life conservation.

  • Ecosystem Monitoring: Leveraging the data stored on the AQLA platform, we enable the tracking of the marine ecosystem’s health. This encompasses water quality, pollution levels, aquatic life diversity, and more. This data empowers the prompt identification of issues and the formulation of remedial measures.

  • Scientific Research: The AQLA project actively supports scientific studies focused on the marine ecosystem. By granting access to data and tools, AQLA facilitates researchers in assessing the impact of human activity on marine life. These findings will contribute to the formulation of effective preservation strategies.

  • Public Education: The information compiled on the AQLA platform serves to elevate public awareness about the significance of conserving marine life.

AQLA Competitive Edge

Aqualibre differentiates itself with a suite of unique selling points that redefine transparency and efficiency in the environmental sector:

  • Blockchain Ledger: Aqualibre's blockchain ledger elevates transparency by enabling frequent, independent audits. This innovation traces funding flows with precision, offering a crystal-clear view of expenditure to stakeholders. The outcome is a genuine, open experience that builds confidence among users, reinforcing the ecosystem's reputation for trustworthiness.

  • Corporate Client Focus: Aqualibre addresses the needs of corporate entities by facilitating transactions with regulated and high-caliber clients, confirming the dependability and thorough auditing of carbon offsets. This emphasis on quality and compliance makes Aqualibre a sought-after partner for businesses seeking dependable environmental solutions.

  • New Methodologies: Aqualibre is pioneering fresh approaches to carbon reduction, including proactive measures to keep coal in the ground, avoiding the release of further emissions. Another ambitious target is the reduction of global travel emissions by up to 40%, alongside the implementation of hybrid carbon offset solutions that pair solar energy advancements with forest-based carbon sequestration, setting a new precedent in the industry for comprehensive and forward-thinking environmental impact.

  • First to Market: Aqualibre has gained an edge by allying with the UK's sole regulated crypto market maker. This partnership empowers them to craft regulated Security tokens, providing investors with confidence and expanding the availability of their AQLA token. The launch of this token marks a significant step in the realm of regulated investment opportunities.

The Clear Leader Among Rivals

The snapshot provided clearly positions AQLA as the standout choice in the competitive landscape. It ticks every box, surpassing its rivals with a comprehensive suite of features that cater to every need. This all-encompassing approach not only demonstrates AQLA's superior capability but also its commitment to excellence, making it the preeminent option for anyone looking for the best in the market.

AQLA Blockchain Innovation

Blockchain serves as a digital ledger that verifies the existence of a carbon credit and secures its transactional history, making it immune to tampering and ensuring its authenticity. Aqualibre recognizes the value of blockchain in garnering new clientele, as it demonstrates a commitment to openness and trustworthiness. The technology itself is not profitable, but it plays a crucial role in safeguarding data integrity, which is vital for maintaining a trustworthy reputation.

In practical application, carbon offsets are issued with unique identifiers such as serial numbers. Blockchain technology allows for the division of a batch of offsets into individual units, each tagged with an immutable code. This process equips each carbon offset with an inviolable digital signature.

Aqualibre incorporates an array of advanced technological features to enhance its blockchain capabilities. These include satellite monitoring of environmental initiatives, access to pertinent project documentation, futures investment in carbon markets, adherence to ESG standards for sustainability, accurate calculation of carbon offsets, thorough vetting of projects, and additional layers of integrity-driven audits. All these elements combine to fortify the credibility of their endeavors.

The integration of the AQLA token by Aqualibre signifies a pivotal achievement for Kujira. The token is evidence of Kujira's investment in reliable, validated carbon credits, promoting its image as an entity actively contributing to a sustainable future. The AQLA token serves as a badge of Kujira's genuine commitment to environmental impact.


Introducing the AQLA Token, a remarkable utility token with a solid legal foundation. It holds the prestigious status of being fully licensed for trading across the entire European Union and possesses all the necessary legal clearances for operation in the UK. A testament to its status, the AQLA Token has passed stringent financial tests and received a utility classification by the MFSA.

In the world of cryptocurrency, it boasts trading licenses in over 27 countries, showcasing its broad acceptance and reach. Looking ahead to 2024, an astonishing 37 million carbon offsets will be available for trading via the AQLA Token, paving the way for an ecosystem where carbon trading and digital currency go hand in hand.

Aqualibre's vision extends towards connecting over a million users worldwide to the AQLA Token by 2050, promoting a sustainable future. Moreover, the AQLA Token stands as a carbon-neutral asset, underpinned by its involvement in the trading of carbon offsets, marking a stride forward in the quest for environmental responsibility.

AQLA's Bright Future

The captured data paints a compelling picture of AQLA's trajectory, signaling a striking ascent to greater heights. The graphs chart a clear upward trend, with projections showing a significant increase in gains for the years 2024 through 2026. These predictions suggest that AQLA is not just riding the wave of progress but is strategically positioned for a series of breakthroughs that will cement its status in the upcoming years. With an outlook this promising, AQLA stands on the cusp of an exciting journey toward remarkable growth and industry leadership.

Strategic AQLA Token Allocation

The distribution model for the token allocation is thoughtfully designed to ensure a balanced and strategic dispersal that supports the token's long-term viability and success. The majority stake, at 37.0%, is allocated to the public sale, signifying a strong community orientation and mass participation. The treasury garners a significant 13.0%, set aside to secure the financial stability and foster sustainable development.

Meanwhile, 15.0% is dedicated to the foundation, earmarking funds essential for ongoing research, technological advancements, and foundational growth. Advisors, with their critical expertise and guidance, are apportioned a substantial 10.0%, ensuring that strategic decision-making is well-informed. Marketing efforts receive a robust 9.0% to drive awareness and adoption, while liquidity is bolstered with a prudent 4.0% to facilitate smooth transactions and market stability.

Lastly, the founders, whose vision and relentless pursuit have brought the project to fruition, retain a 12.0% share that reflects their enduring commitment and incentivizes continued innovation.


The AQLA token is the official token of the Aqualibre platform, recognized by its symbol AQLA. It serves as a versatile digital asset within the platform's ecosystem, allowing users to carry out a variety of actions as defined by Aqualibre's system rules. Primarily, AQLA is used as an in-platform currency to cover fees, particularly for the central service of balancing carbon credits.

In addition to facilitating transactions, the AQLA token rewards users who participate early in carbon credit offsetting and contribute to growing the community. The token can be used to:

  • Buy carbon offsets on Aqualibre

  • Receive economic rewards for being an active member

  • Participate in platform governance decisions

There's a limited number of AQLA tokens, capping at 280 million, ensuring no more can be created, which helps maintain its value over time.


Initial Phase:

At this stage, the founding team fully manages the project, addressing any bugs and making urgent fixes without community votes. This approach ensures quick and efficient responses to pressing technical issues.

Partial Decentralization:

In this phase, the founders still handle critical fixes swiftly. However, for less urgent matters, community feedback is sought through forums or informal off-chain votes (like using Snapshot).

Complete Decentralization:

The final stage will introduce a comprehensive method of decentralized control, though some central decision-making will be kept to ensure the project stays within legal boundaries and maintains token reliability. Votes will come from tokens meant for long-term holding, enhancing their owners' voting power. This approach, which has been effective in other major protocols, incentivizes long-term investment and stability within the token's ecosystem.

This approach offers several appealing benefits:

  • Voting is simply an added feature for those who are already staking their tokens, with both groups drawing from the same rewards pool.

  • There are no extra rewards for voting over staking, ensuring that only genuinely interested participants engage in governance, accepting a lengthier lock-up of their tokens.

  • Tokens used for voting are doubly committed – locked once for staking and again for voting, effectively removing them from circulation for the long haul.

  • This system permits the use of heftier voting power multipliers without affecting the distribution of staking rewards.

  • The most devoted users, those who lock their tokens for both staking and voting over extended periods, stand to gain considerably from these compounded rewards.

Carbon Credits Meet Blockchain on Kujira

AQLA aims to tap into blockchain's transparent nature to open up the carbon market to individuals and organizations of all sizes. Tokenization of carbon credits ensures that each digital token is a representative of a precise amount of carbon emission rights.

These tokens are traded on the blockchain, offering a transparent record of transactions, reducing the risk of fraud, and ensuring that carbon trading is accessible to a broader audience than ever before.

What is even more interesting is AQLA’s decision to build on the Kujira blockchain.

AQLA leverages the efficiencies of blockchain technology to reinvent the market dynamics surrounding the exchange, tracking, and management of carbon credits. With a mission to meld environmental concerns with the prowess of decentralized finance, AQLA is poised to become a key player in promoting eco-friendly business practices within the blockchain community.

Kujira could see a significant impact with the introduction of a carbon credit trading platform like AQLA. Such an addition could attract those who have a keen interest in environmental sustainability and wish to participate in the fight against climate change through DeFi. This could lead to an expansion of the Kujira user base and foster a diversified ecosystem.

Considering Regulatory Compliance

Engaging in carbon credit trading also involves navigating intricate regulatory landscapes. For AQLA to operate within legal frameworks, it must adhere to the specific rules that govern carbon markets.

Compliance with these regulations is essential to ensure the platform's longevity and reliability.

A Greener Future with AQLA and Kujira

AQLA on the Kujira blockchain is an exciting project that tackles environmental issues by merging cutting-edge technology with eco-friendly initiatives. The debut of AQLA isn't just a leap in tech; it's a stride towards a finance world that's more in tune with our planet's health. By turning carbon credits into digital tokens, AQLA takes advantage of blockchain's strengths to make trading them more transparent, secure, and open to many different people. Kujira's adoption of AQLA could positively shake up the carbon credit market and champion investments that benefit the environment.

Dealing with the complex world of regulations is a necessary step for such forward-thinking innovation, and AQLA's focus on following these rules shows its commitment to being a lasting and trustworthy platform. By bringing AQLA into its fold, Kujira underscores the valuable role that decentralized finance can play in addressing critical global issues like climate change. AQLA is a shining example of how blockchain-based platforms can spur significant environmental progress, setting new standards for responsible practices in the technology and financial sectors.